K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You have a Christmas face

"I love your face. It makes me feel fuzzy. Fuzzy like Christmas. You have a Christmas face."

So said my husband last night. He's so cute. I mean really, Christmas face?? He makes me laugh so much. He just makes my life better.

I went to see my midwife today. I wish I had met her under better circumstances but I really like her. She said everything is looking good and we are fine to try again as soon as we are ready. K took the day off so he could be there with me and I am really glad. I needed him. I was dreading the appointment because I knew it was going to be hard on me. He truly is my rock and I can't wait until we can start our family.

We have more good news in the family as well. My brother and his wife welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world yesterday. Mommy was in labor for 23 hours and ended up having a c-section. Rileigh Marie was born at 11:10 pm and was 8lbs 3oz. She is 22 inches long and looks a lot like her mommy. Mommy and baby are doing well from what I have heard. I can't wait to meet little Rileigh. She is a very welcome addition to the clan.

Rileigh Marie 08/09/10

1 comment:

Samantha Thayn said...

cuuuuute baby girl. I wants me a baby girl! If you guys have one before I can get a girl then I may come visit a lot :D ha ha