K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Quick update

Well there's not a whole lot to update on but I thought I would say a few quick things.
Kevin and I have decided to move to St. Louis. We are going to miss everyone in Utah a ton but its just such a great opportunity for our family. He would be able to go to school and we would be able to save money. Our plan as of right now is to go to school and once he is done to head back out here. Its a compromise. I love my family but so does Kevin and he would be across the country from them. That's not totally fair. I wish in a way we weren't both transplants to Utah but I know we wouldn't have met if we weren't. So we leave in November. Not so far away. We have to give our landlord sixty days notice on our apartment. We would probably try to move out there in October if it weren't for that because of the weather. To be honest though, I'm glad I have the extra time. I need it to pack. We have a lot of crap and its going to be exhausting. I need that extra time so I can do a little every week.
Kevin's parents are coming to see us this week! They will be here on Friday and so we are pretty excited about it. I'm not sure what kind of activities we will be doing but its going to be fun. Maybe we will take them to downtown so they can see all the sites. I know they would like that and we didn't get a chance when they were here for the wedding.
Ok that's about it. Sorry its been awhile since posts. There just hasn't been a ton happening. Hope you all are well!


Kevin said...

Hai! Ur adorablez! I love you, Sweetiepants McCuteface!

Anonymous said...

Can I request after Cautriona's birthday? It'd be nice to see you before you leave.

Staci said...

If it were the summer then it wouldn't be a problem but the earlier the better so we don't hit any bad weather. We just don't want to take any chances in November. Sorry.