K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Spiders, pies and family

Odd combination. I agree. Its been a busy week so I'm just going to stuff this post full of everything.

Spiders: I hate them. I hate them so much that when I see one my body involuntarily runs away. The whole fight or flight thing? True. I flight. I'm ok with it. It's natural. It's normal. It's cowardly. I'm a big baby and I embrace that. K on the other hand is my knight in shining armor. He kills them all for me if he is home. Just this morning at 6:30 I nearly had a heart attack because a spider almost ate my hand off and he woke up for me and killed it. As he was coming to my rescue, hair askew and bleary eyed he comments, "oh that is a big one." He dispatched it and the world has continued to go on for me. This is the third spider he has killed in the last few days. I can't imagine my life without him.

Pies: A much better topic if I must say so myself. I love pie. I am not a cake person. Just last night the family celebrated my cousin's birthday with a very rich looking, chocolaty goodness, two layer cake. I didn't eat any of it. I just don't care for cake. Its not like it makes me sick or repulses me or anything I just prefer pie. Pie, its like a little slice of perfect. Pie is this sweet, light, fruity deliciousness. I can't get enough of it. So a few weeks ago I bought the ingredients to make a pie. It's summer and I decided a lemon meringue pie sounded perfect. I made it the other night and I couldn't be more happy with the way it turned out. Those little peaks of meringue are perfect. The lemon filling that you can't see is delicious. I'm very happy in my lemon meringue world. I might eat a slice for breakfast. That's not a bad thing right?
Last but certainly not least, Family: My parents are in town. They come out at this time every year and I look forward to it every time. I miss them tremendously. I know its only been three months since I saw them and only two months before that but they are good and generous people. I appreciate what they do for me and will miss them when they leave.
This week they have given K and myself an opportunity to move to my home town. We could live in my late grandmothers house and take care of my uncle. He has cerebral palsy and is self sufficient enough to live on his own but he doesn't have people he can talk to very often. He doesn't really know how to cook very much and he could benefit from some home cooked meals. K and I would live there rent free. Utilities paid. Cable and internet provided. We would be responsible for the upkeep of the house and the groceries. K would be able to go to school full time and we wouldn't have to worry about finances really. We would be able to save some money and get done with school faster.
We are seriously considering this offer. There are cons. We would be moving far away from K's family and I know that would be disappointing. We would have a responsibility that is great. My uncle is a great guy but it's like living with a teenager. A teenager who feels the need to be an authority figure to me. He is the uncle after all. It will take patience and understanding. It will also take love and we have plenty of that to give.


CarolynWalker said...

Hey soul sista! I totally agree with what you say. I also hate spiders. It's like if there is a spider anywhere in the room my eyes are drawn to it. If Gene is home he kills it for me. I have learned to kill them when he is not home, but it has taken a long time. However, I do not want the nasty things wandering elsewhere if Gene isn't home, so I buck up and do the killing myself. Yew!
On to pies. I think cake is fine, but give me a pie any day over a cake. My favorites are any kind of berry and I love cherry. However, that lemon you made looks fantastic! Send me your recipe, ok?
On to family. Yours is great and so is mine! If you decide not to come out, if the same things would apply, have your dad and mom consider Erin and Doug with baby Josh. Your dad could also marry Doug and Erin. Cool huh? Take care sweetie, we'd love to see you on a more regular basis. Carolyn

KCalveri said...

What a lot to consider. We would of course miss you, but you gotta do what you gotta do... as the saying goes. We're thinking of you, and will see you at Scotie's wedding!