K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I know its been forever since I last posted

I've been waiting for something important to write about. I think I finally found it. Tonight is the season premier of GLEE! Gah that's so exciting. I seriously love this show. It is witty and clever and the cast is so talented. I wish I could sing like that. Its incredible. Kevin has band practice tonight. Although I love my husband and his music I think I will be at home watching Glee instead. They don't need a groupie hanging around during practice tonight. That's really all that I am. I have no musical talent. Therefore I enjoy watching others with musical talent. In the form of the husbands band or an amazing television show. I'm picking the television show tonight. Sorry Honey. I still love you. My name is Staci and I am a Gleek.

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