K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good news at the ultrasound

So last week I let you all know about my lack of weight gain and measuring small. The doctor wanted us to have a growth scan to make sure the baby is getting all the nutrients she needs. Yesterday we went in for that scan. Good news! Not only is the baby happy and healthy but she is measuring right on track! She's even measuring a few days ahead of schedule. She weighs a healthy 3lbs 5oz. The scan did confirm how very low the baby's head is already. She is ready to make her appearance. Modified bedrest continues.
It's hard to believe that I have a little human inside of me. At the anatomy scan nine and eleven weeks ago she looked like a little baby. Which is what we wanted but yesterday she not only looked like a little human but she looked so CHUNKY compared to the other scans. I know her job right now is to get fat and gain weight but its so weird to see an almost fully baked baby. Not just see it but know its inside of me and I get to take her home in a few short weeks.
In other news, we started working on the nursery! We got the paint and have started clearing out the room. Ok I haven't started clearing out the room but I'm good at directing where things should go. I'm not allowed to do much so I don't feel too guilty about it. We bought and painted the letters to go on the wall for the nursery.
Now on a more serious note, I really thought the scared anxious feeling would go away when I came this close to the end. Lots of women have this feeling early on in their pregnancy. That's why there is this idea of you don't tell people you are pregnant until 12 weeks. No guarantees. But like I said I really thought it would go away over time. However, every time I have an appointment with the doctor or an ultrasound I'm still afraid something will be wrong. Maybe its because of the miscarriage last summer or the scares we've had so far but I can't help feeling this way. For example, yesterday when we went to the scan I was afraid that the cord would be wrapped around her neck. Seems irrational right? Except that there are no guarantees. I do believe this little girl will be a very welcome addition to our home but anything can happen and I can't help but think about that. I'm not ashamed of this. It's just a confession/ observation. I want the next 6-9 weeks to go by quickly.
Now for your viewing pleasure, my chunky baby and the beginning of our nursery decor.

1 comment:

Samantha Thayn said...

Yay! Glad she is healthy :) cute ultrasound pic!