K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

No more strict bedrest!

I had my appointment today and because my contractions have pretty much stopped she decided modified bedrest was fine. YAY! The baby is still really low so she doesn't want her to descend even further but I'm still closed so that's good. She's hopeful that I can make it to 36 weeks. I'm hoping for even longer. 38 sounds good to me.

She said I can leave the house once in awhile but to for sure limit my activity and take it easy.

Other things, it looks like I'll be going in every week or two from now on to keep checking the cervix. She's concerned about my weight gain because I'm not gaining any. Finally, she measured me and she is concerned the baby is small. So I have to get an ultrasound.

She asked Kevin if I was eating enough and he completely thew me under the bus. I eat! I may not eat as much as him but I don't know anyone who could. I love that man but way to support me hon.

Oh and she said that if I were working right now she would make me quit so I guess all the problems I was having finding a job and how down I was about it was actually a blessing in disguise. Maybe there was a higher power saying "you can't work if you want a healthy baby."

That's how I am choosing to look at the work situation. It may be difficult financially but we'll get through this and have a beautiful baby girl when we come out the other side.

One last thing, I have a 30 week belly pic for you! I'm ginormous!


Caryn Allen said...

Weight gain is so frustrating. The numbers DO NOT matter. Really. As long as you're getting the nutrients you need to support a growing baby, everything will be fine. I know many women who hardly gain any weight at all and their children are just fine. Don't be to stressed about the details. Just let your body do what it knows how to do.

Staci said...

I completely agree! I was chunky before I got knocked up. And really as long as the baby is on track it doesn't matter. But she is concerned because I'm measuring small. So the combination of the two maybe was cause for concern. We'll see at the u/s. I'm sure Elizabeth is fine.