K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Exciting trip to labor and delivery

Maybe exciting isn't the right word for it. Irritating? Annoying? Frustrating? All good words. Needed is probably the best word.
So for those who don't have their lives revolve around me and my pregnancy I will be 30 weeks along on the 23rd. (which means I only have ten more weeks and I can't wait!) Yesterday I was having some pretty uncomfortable braxton hicks contractions. The general consensus is that if you have more than five or six an hour then you need to lie down and drink a lot of water.
So I started having some at about 5:30 yesterday evening. I did my rest and drink some water thing and they didn't go away. At first it wasn't too bad. Two or three an hour. By about 8:30 I started having a lot more. I was feeling them one right after the other and had probably five in a half hour.
Kevin made me call the after hours number and speak with the on-call doctor. He told me I really needed to go into the hospital and get checked out. I was really against this. I didn't want to go in. I've gone in before and its always nothing. We got to the hospital and they hooked me up to the monitors. The baby is just fine. She was active and her heartbeat was really strong.
I on the other hand was not doing so hot. Turns out I was really dehydrated and the baby was already in the right position and low. Its a little early for that. The monitor wasn't picking up the contractions very well either. That was frustrating because I wanted them to see what I was feeling and how often.
The doctor sent me home after making me drink a bunch of water. About 96 ounces actually. I was going to the bathroom every hour all night. Doesn't make for a pleasant nights sleep. She also made me go on bedrest. Its sooooo boring. I'm allowed to get up to go to the bathroom and to refill my 32oz cup of water. If I'm home alone I can go to the kitchen for a sandwich but that's the extent of my day for the foreseeable future. Oh goody.
I go into the office on Thursday to see if I have to continue the bedrest. Hopefully I don't. I need to get the nursery done and I need to get some laundry taken care of before this little girl comes along. I know I still have ten weeks but if I'm required to take it easy or more until she gets here its going to take that much longer to get it all done.
I feel fine. I'm still having some contractions but they have slowed down and I'm being good. Drinking lots of water and doing my job of staying put. I decided to finally get back to working on the afghan I started working on for Elizabeth back at 11 weeks. If I actually finish it before she arrives I will post pics. Its going to be adorable if it turns out right.


Caryn Allen said...

Bedrest doesn't really help your body like doctors think. If anything, you need to be up an active. A lot I've read has shown that more complications arise from being on bed rest. I hope things get better. Braxton hicks are no fun!!

Staci said...

I think the goal is to make sure she doesn't descend even further. Its just too early for her to be as low as she is already. I'm going to go with the doctor on this one and hope I don't need to continue bedrest after Thursday.

Samantha Thayn said...

Wow! I hope you dont have to stay on bedrest, I would go crazy! Hope you start feeling better and I am glad the baby is okay :)