K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Its only been 4 months-ish

That's only almost half a year. Not much happens in that amount of time right? Lol. Ok so I've been a total slacker but I promise to update regularly from now on. Lets start at the very beginning. Thankfully I've been a bit more diligent about writing in my personal journal so at least I can pull from that and hopefully I won't leave out the important bits.

As you all know the last post was exciting because we were able to see our baby for the first time. That was wonderful. The following month was a bit crazy. We packed up and moved back to St. Louis. That in and of itself was hard. I never want to move across the country while pregnant again. It was ROUGH. I mean utterly awful when I say rough. I was super tired and just wanted it to be over.

One of the things that most concerned me was finding a new doctor or midwife. I would have loved to get another midwife. I had such a good experience with the practice in Utah that I was hoping for the same atmosphere with a new office. Thankfully I succeeded and I have a doctor I love. Go me! I decided to see if the doctor I had before I moved would be able to see me and she could. One of the best things about her is that not only do they already have me in the system but because of the medical park atmosphere my general practitioner is on the same floor as well as the pediatrician we plan on using. How could it get any better than that? I can just schedule all of our appointments on the same day and just never leave them alone.

Another thing I love about my doctor is that she was willing to listen to what I wanted for the birth. Now I'm not one of those crazy hippie birth plan people but I do have specific things I do or do not want for my labor and delivery. Obviously the baby may not have the same ideas I do but I see nothing wrong with trying.

When I was 20 weeks along I went in for the all important anatomy scan. I have very strong opinions about this scan. For a lot of people its as simple as "we get to find out the sex!" For the doctors its "lets make sure this baby is healthy." I agree with the doctors on this one. Yes, finding out the sex is fun but when the doctor came in and said they found something on our baby's heart it was the last thing on my mind. The doctor told us there was an echogenic focus on the baby's heart which is an indicator of downs syndrome. We decided to get additional testing called a quad screen so we could have more definitive results and thankfully our baby is just fine.

Additionally during the scan our baby was being quite stubborn. They weren't able to get all of the measurements. The spine, lip and sex was hidden from view. They did say they were pretty sure because of a small glimpse that it was a girl but it was still just a guess. Now this was right before Christmas and Kevin and I had decided that we were going to tell the family on Christmas Eve by baking gingerbread cookies. Little boys or girls. We decided to go ahead and bake the cookies based on what the doctor said but I ended up ruining it before I brought out the cookies anyway. Reveal idea fail. The baby kicked me and someone asked me what was wrong and I said, "Oh she just kicked me." Of course they all picked up on the she. The cookies tasted good at least.

We went in at 22 weeks for our additional scan and we got all the measurements and confirmed it was indeed a girl. As much as I thought it was a boy I am over the moon excited about having a little girl. We've decided to name her Elizabeth Josephine and want to call her Eliza. Some have said that her name is too common. Too normal. I don't care. I love the name. Its classic and timeless. Heaven forbid we pick a normal name. Call me crazy but trendeigh and youneek names are not my style. I don't feel the need to pick a name no one knows how to spell or can't pronounce. Call my boring. I'm ok with it.

Not much else has else has happened. A few of my favorite things about being pregnant are feeling her move around and watching my stomach. She is spunky and very active. I have to admit I like the attention I get from my amazing husband. He is caring and sweet. He is always willing to help me up or get me something I might need. He may grumble or moan a bit but I know I can count on him.

My least favorite things is much longer list that I will not bore you with. Ok I'll name a few. The horrible sciatic pain. OH MY GOSH! I've been feeling it for weeks. Since about 22 weeks actually. Six weeks of this and I'm not expecting it to go away so I'm not looking forward to the next three months. Oh and those little tricks and tips you get from pregnancy books don't work! I've tried them. You just suffer through it knowing you get a beautiful baby at the end of it. I keep telling myself its worth it. I do know that. Doesn't stop the tears of pain coming though. The no sleeping thing sucks too. I can't get comfortable. Ever. At all. To top it I'm always exhausted anyway. So yay for that. I can't sleep and I'm tired all the time. Having to go to the bathroom four thousand times a day. That's so annoying. Ok I'm done complaining.

Hopefully you all feel pretty well caught up. I promise to update more often and those posts will be shorter and more normal. In the meantime enjoy the few pictures I've taken in the time between posts.
My camera broke so 26 weeks was the last pic I was able to take. Hopefully we'll get that fixed soon. Thanks for reading this incredibly long blog post!


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