K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We're pregnant again

  This time I think we will get to bring our baby home. I'm due on May 4th. We are really excited. We found out in August and tried to keep it quiet just in case something happened again. So far everything is going really well. I am 9 weeks today and even though I've had some nausea and some awful bloat and exhaustion I am just so happy to have this little spud growing inside of me. Kevin and I were able to have an early ultrasound last Friday and when we saw that heartbeat on that tiny little baby the emotions were just overwhelming. We are truly blessed. I've been taking a picture every Wednesday to show the progress and my gosh! Today my tummy is out of control. I'll post them here every week. I think tomorrow I'll do a montage of the weekly belly pics so far.
  In other news, Kevin and I are still planning on moving. We've booked the moving truck and we officially leave in less than a month. Wow! There is so much to do and just no energy to do it. We are really excited to be in St. Louis before Halloween though. I have never seen my nephew Xavier dress up because I've been out here in Utah since he was a few months old. All my nieces and nephews are adorable and I can't wait to see them. I haven't even met my adorable new niece Rileigh. I just can't wait to see everyone again. Its only been 7 months but it feels like so much longer.
  Kevin also has a gig with his band next week. Its their first gig and hopefully not Kevin's last before we have to leave. Just call me Yoko. I hope Kevin can find another band when we get to St. Louis. He loves his music so much. I would hate to deprive him of that aspect of his life.
  Ok that's about it. Now for your viewing pleasure; our Spud. I have another appointment tomorrow so I may post a brand new u/s pic tomorrow or Friday.


Brianna said...

Congrats! Pregnancy takes FOREVER and a day and you get a hot looking "mom body" after but it's totally and completely worth it! That little Spud and her/his daddy will be your entire world! So excited for you!

Samantha Thayn said...

Congrats!! Still sad you guys are moving though.