K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Monday, July 26, 2010

So much can happen in a week

When I started this blog I just thought it would be about my life with K. All our crazy adventures. That's still true but I guess its mostly going to be about the craziest adventure we will ever have.

Last Monday night after a few days of suspicion I took a pregnancy test. I thought maybe I was pregnant on Saturday the 17th (the day I started the blog) but I took a test and it was negative. I guess that was just a little too early. The test on Monday was positive. I took a digital test on Tuesday to confirm and it was there plain as day "Pregnant."

I cried like a baby. Maybe a better term is I cried like a hormone crazed pregnant chick. That just seems too long though. I find myself crying over everything. I also have no energy. I 'knew' when we started trying to get pregnant that I would be full of hormones and I would be tired, nauseous, bloated and sore. A woman knows all of this. In theory. The reality is so different. At least for me it is. I had no idea quite how tired I would be. I have no energy to do anything. I have no appetite either but if I don't eat then I feel nauseous and want to throw up. In fact just a few minutes ago I had to stop writing and get crackers so I wouldn't puke.

This is all so new and exciting and I am willing to go through all of this for my baby. I didn't think I could love something so obscure so quickly. I will be devastated if anything were to happen to this little appleseed in me. I pray daily that this little seed sticks around and grows like a trooper. I went to the doctor and they confirmed the pregnancy but we have not done bloodwork or any type of exams yet. My EDD is March 22, 2011. I would love this baby to be born on 3/17/11. It will be the three year mark of me moving to Utah. It's also St. Patricks day and since I'm Irish I think I would get a kick out of that.


Heidi Marie said...

yay! Have fun with those emotions. ;)

Caryn Allen said...

Take iron pills. I've never met a pregnant woman who wasn't low on iron. When you get your iron back up, you suddenly have tons of energy again. Think of when you're on your period and you're super tired all the time. It's because your iron levels are low. Go to Wal-mart and get Slow FE (a brand of iron pills). It's easy on your system unlike other iron pills that usually back you up. :) Just some advice from a former pregnant lady.

The Jensens said...

SO excited for you guys :-) Any news on that job?