K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Mastitis: Warning! Sick woman stuff in post. Do not read if you don't want to hear about breastfeeding and such.

For any of you who wouldn't know what this is (and I wouldn't blame you) its an infection that a woman can get in her breasts. It usually only happens to lactating women. Lucky me, I got it.
I started feeling really cranky and rundown last night. I just assumed it was sleep deprivation. That is a big thing in my life right now. Well fast forward to about nine or ten and I start feeling awful. My breast is feeling like I might have a clogged duct. Its hard and painful.
Then I start feeling cold. Like really cold. Now the one thing you should know about me is that I suffer in a very warm house. Well warm to me. We have the AC set at 70 and I still feel hot. So the fact that I was cold was a huge deal.
I take my temperature and its 100 degrees. So its not a super high fever but it is a fever. I knew at that point that I had mastitis. I did all the tricks to relieve some of the pain and discomfort of my breast and I tried to get some sleep. That really didn't work. I was miserable. I checked my temp again and the fever had shot up to 101.7.
Kevin was so worried. We really had no clue whether or not I could still nurse Eliza. I knew that I wanted to though because she would essentially drain me. Literally. Which is a good thing. The question was could I nurse and she would be fine or would I have to pump and dump all of that milk? Breastmilk is like liquid GOLD. No one likes to dump any out. Even spilling some is awful and frustrating. Its not like we produce gallons of the stuff. We produce ounces at a time. Mere ounces.
Imagine my relief when I found out I could still nurse! I took some Tylenol as well and before too long my fever broke. So things were looking up. This morning I called my doctor's office and they called in a prescription for an antibiotic. Hopefully it kicks in really quick.
I'm still feeling run down and very tired. My body still aches and I don't want anything touching my breasts. Too bad I don't have that option. Eliza has no idea that anything is wrong obviously and she's just a champion feeder like always so its pretty painful to nurse right now but it helps so I'm ok with it. Or at least I'm trying to be.

Update on Eliza. She's amazing. She's so much fun. She's more alert and she is just smiling up a storm. I love it. She is awake and happy from about 7 to 9 in the morning and its our play time. I sing and tell stories. I know she doesn't really understand anything that I'm saying but we have fun. I found a great website to help with this time. It has over 2000 nursery rhymes and children's songs. I was really lacking in the memory department. My mom always seems to have this plethora of songs and nursery rhymes and I was feeling quite inadequate when I pulled from the three songs I knew. The website is www.bussongs.com if anyone is interested.
I think the most shocking realization is how many of these songs and nursery rhymes are really dark and depressing. I had heard that in the past but to see the lyrics and put the story together is really disturbing. I'm glad kids just don't comprehend the real story in these songs and rhymes.
That's about it for now. I want a nap. Oh but I'll show you the adorable smile my daughter rocks. Its hard to capture on camera so her hand is in the way a bit but you can still see it. Enjoy! I know I do.


Heidi Marie said...

Oi... that sounds miserable! I breastfed for the first 2 weeks, but she was 8 ounces below her birth weight still so we figured I wasn't producing enough, that and also because she never seem satisfied and cried all night those first two weeks. I didn't know it then, but it's obvious to me now that she was starving :( poor thing! Momma wasn't coming through!

So I just decided to bottle feed. It caused less stress in our lives and I didn't have the motivation to try all the tricks to produce more.

Kudo's to you for keeping at it! It is a special thing and I know it's best for babies. Eliza is blessed to have such a wonderful momma!

Staci said...

I'm trying! I'm so afraid my supply is going to take a nose dive when I go back to work. I'm pumping and trying to get a freezer stash going.
It's a hard thing to do Heidi. At least you tried. As long as the baby is fed that's all that matters.

The Jensens said...

Hey you! Shoot me an email....I've got some news you will want to hear! Miss talking with you!
