K and I got married on May 15, 2010. He is truly perfect for me. He's my matching giraffe and favorite person.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One month old already!

Say what? That's ridiculous. We've had a great month. Little miss Eliza is growing like a weed and keeps me entertained endlessly. I can just stare at her for hours. I don't though. That might come across creepy later in life.
I can just see it now. "Eliza, I used to just stare at you for hours."
Teenage Eliza looks at me like I have crazy pants on and then calls her friends on her holographic phone and says, "Ugh my mom is so creepy and weird. She is so embarrassing."
Heck yes I am! She just doesn't know it yet. I can't wait until the day I get to kiss her goodbye in public. Use saliva to wipe her face and so forth. Ha ha! It's going to rock.
Ok so for some real stuff. Had Eliza's one week appointment she was only 6lbs 1oz so we had to go in the following week. Thankfully she was 6lbs 5oz so she was doing great. I took her in today for some acid reflux issues and she weighed a hefty 7lbs 10.5oz! That is more than an ounce a day on average. The doctor was VERY pleased. She said she is obviously getting plenty of food. Also, her reflux isn't very bad so there isn't much we need to do. Which is also good news.
I'm going back to work on June 14. I am really looking forward to working again but at the same time I don't want to leave my baby. I know she'll be fine I will miss her so much. I don't want to miss any milestones. Another thing about going back to work is that I really want to breastfeed for awhile. I don't want my supply to tank because I will be pumping instead of nursing. Because of that my goal right now is 3 months. I hope to make it until at least 6-9 months. I know she would be fine on formula but I really want to do this.
That's it for now! I'll try to post more often. She changes so much everyday that a month going by is a long time. Until next time I hope you enjoy the pics.
Monkey toes!

First bath. She was not happy. She still doesn't like them.

That ceiling fan is super exciting!
She's just that cute!
How is that comfortable?